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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Abschiedsbrief suicide note
Abschiedsbrief suicide note < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Abschiedsbrief suicide note: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:10 So 23.09.2007
Autor: monchichi

Dear Lisa,

Actually I have to be sad and weep bitterly while I write this letter to you.
Truth be told, I haven’t these feelings. That is because, I‘m a man and I can‘t show my feelings. My head is empty and at last I want to end my days. Maybe you can understand my decision, but you can‘t stop me. When you read these lines I‘m already dead.
One reason for my decision is our marriage. Both of us know that we have a broken marriage. We thought our adolescent love last for ever. But in the last years I realised that our relationship was more illusion than reality.
You loved my money and I loved your gorgeous body. We wanted to be the good-looking couple which is lucky, contened and perfect. Now I have a question for you. Do you was lucky the last 20 years? I didn’t think so.
At the time I didn’t understand that there are more important things that richness. Because of that I operated day and night. So I had not plenty time for you. I hate also the imagination that you meet other men when I was at work. And I’m sure you did that.
I have a good fortune, I’m successful and I have a great child, even so I’m not happy. I don’t want to live anymore. I see no alternative.
Please keep going Lisa for Harvey, for his life.


Abschiedsbrief suicide note: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:31 So 23.09.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hey monchichi [winken],

Da du ja kein Newbie hier mehr bist gehe ich einfach mal davon aus, dass du ein "Hallo" oder ähnliches einfach vergessen hast ;-) Ebenfalls wäre es auch immer gut, wenn du uns sagst, was wir mit deinem Text machen sollen ;-) Ich gehe davon mal aus, dass er Korrektur gelesen werden soll?!

> Dear Lisa,
> Actually I have to be sad (willst du sagen traurig sein?!) feel sad and weep cry bitterly while I'm write
> this letter to you.
>  Truth be told (Was soll das heißen?), I haven’t these feelings. That is because, Due to the fact that
> I‘m a man and I can‘t show my feelings. My head mind is empty
> and at last I want to end my days(was soll das heißen?). Maybe you can understand
> my decision, but you can‘t stop me. When you read these
> lines I‘m already dead.
> One reason for my decision is our marriage. Both of us know
> that we have a broken marriage. We thought our adolescent
> love last for ever. But in the last years I realiszed that
> our relationship was more illusion than reality.
> You loved my money and I loved your gorgeous body. We
> wanted to be the good-looking couple which is lucky,
> contened and perfect. Now I have a question for you. Do you
> was were lucky duringthe last 20 years? I didn’t think so already know the answer.
>  At the time I didn’t understand that there are more
> important things that richness. Because of that I operated (was soll das heißen?)
> day and night. So I had not plenty of time for you. I hate
> also the imagination that you meet other men when I was at
> work.
working. And I’m sure you did that.
>  I have a good fortune, am fortunate because I’m successful and I have a great
> child, even so I’m not happy. I don’t want to live anymore.
> I see no alternative.
> Please keep going Lisa for Harvey, for his life. (was meinst du mit diesem Satz)
> Yours,
> Paul

Sarah :-)

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