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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Death of a Salesman
Death of a Salesman < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Death of a Salesman: Summary
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:51 So 06.05.2007
Autor: MilkyLin

Hallo ihr

Also an sich ist mein Englisch schon sehr gut, nur irgendwie finde ich die Zusammenfassung, die ich auf Englisch für A. Millers "Death of a Salesman" geschrieben habe, nicht so gut. Vllt mag jemand Vorschläge geben?
Muss das nämlich auch abgeben.
Also (soll short summary sein) :

The story takes place in New York: Willy Loman, an aging but still mercurial salesman, returns home from a failed sales trip. He appears tired and confused; his wife Lina is worried. He doesn’t remember all of the details of his trip; he had kept swerving onto the shoulder of the road and returned home. Linda is convinced that he needs to rest his mind and that he should work in New York, so that he doesn’t have to travel anymore. But he is not needed there; the sales firm he works for no longer pays him salary.
The two Loman, Biff and Happy, are visiting their parents. They noticed their father’soliloquies. Willy wants his sons, especially Biff, to succeed where he has not; this is a major source of conflict throughout the play. As Biff and Happy, both of them dissatisfied with their lives, fantasise about buying a ranch, Willy becomes immersed in a daydream. Actually, Willy cannot distinguish between the past and present - between illusion and reality - and is often lost in flashbacks where much of the story is told. These flashbacks are generally during the summer after Biff's senior year of high school when all of the family problems began.
Willy has had an affair with a women he had met on a sales trip and once he got caught by Biff. Since then, Biff has shared a complicated relationship with his father. Finally, he argues with his father and reproaches the whole family, including himself, to live in illusions and lies. As a try to escape, Willy commits suicide. The family can have the insurance money to become successful with.
Only his wife, his sons and Charley, their neighbour, come to see Willy's funeral. Happy decides to stay in New York and prove that his father did not die in vain. Everybody leaves but Linda, who remains at the grave and talks about how she made the final house payment

Mag jemand?



Death of a Salesman: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:24 So 06.05.2007
Autor: JROppenheimer

ich find das gut so. soll ja nur ne summary sein, keine interpretation, wenn ich das richtig sehe.
Ich finde das okay so

Death of a Salesman: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:07 So 06.05.2007
Autor: Ailien.

Hello =)
Also mein Vorschlag wäre erstmal einen richtigen Einleitungssatz zu schreiben mit Titel, Autor, Datum usw. Denn das gehört schon in eine Summary, egal wie kurz sie ist ;)
Der Text ist an sich eigentlich ok aber vielleicht solltest du dir noch ein paar nettere Satzanfänge überlegen, denn wenn du den Text abgeben sollst ist das immer schöner!
Ein nettes Restwochenende dir! Tschüsssss

Death of a Salesman: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:16 So 06.05.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hey du [winken],

Sehe das genau so wie Alien ;-)

Letztens wurden ein paar gute Internetseiten von Analytiker gepostet, die Linking Words beinhalten. Benutze diese und deine Summary wird dadurch automatisch aufgewärtet.

[]Linking Words 1

[]Linking Words 2

[]Linking Words 3

[]Linking Words 4

[]Linking Words 5

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

Death of a Salesman: Danke!
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:52 So 06.05.2007
Autor: MilkyLin

Hallo ihr

Vielen lieben Dank für eure Ratschläge und Rückmeldungen!



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