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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Globalisation (500 W)
Globalisation (500 W) < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Globalisation (500 W): Korrektur einer Rede
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 16:39 Mo 07.04.2008
Autor: inuma

Erstelle eine Rede zu eine Thema der Globalisierung.


ich habe hier eine Rede geschrieben und würde einen Kundigen bitte, diese zu überprüfen.


Thank you chairman Puls. Ladys and Gentelmens.

“Brothers, so your courses steer, heroes joyful and victorious” this ist end of the Ode of Joy. The end of a song. Today I don’t want to speak about music. I want to speak about the end of  an other song we called: globalisation.
Our cultures drive into each other and the result will affect everybody. Every human beeing, every animal, every plant and everything.  I ask you What will happen?, What will be? What will be in 20,30,50 years?
I think erverybody in this room know the 2 mayor ideas of the result of the clash of cultures.
Both ideas deal with destruction and demoltion.
Result 1: The world culture
This means: We will share the same culture and this means the losing of specific parts of our culture. And we can find a lot of evidence for this theory. Coca-Cola, Mc Donald, Burger-King, Jeans, Armani, Rolex and films are examples. We can find this things in nearly every cultures. They are trademarks, which you can buy erverywhere. They are symbols of status of people in all the peoples of the world. They are utterers of ideas and wishes.
We can also find the world culture in ours minds, because the majority of the population of the world have the same ideas and norms in their mind. They agree in themes like forbade of child labour,  abolition of torture and equality of human beeing.
Result 2: The war.
This means: Without a change in mind and culture, the people are to different too live together. And these differences between cultural sphere clear the way for a war. If we have luck these confilcts will be only fault line conflicts, these conflicts between 2 different groups with the support of cultural relatives are small enought to don’t destroy us. An example is the Yugoslav War between at least 10 ethnic different groups in a region. They all have different cultures.
But now the other version. The if-not. The if-not is a core-state conflict and theses are Conflicts between big states (for example Russian and the USA). If country like these campaign war, we will have a 3 world war.
Now you stand at the point of a decision. The destruction of your culture or the destruction of the world, but I think it must exist a third way. I call this way “the adaption of the important and the keeping of the unimportant or the basic-culture”. This means things like the human rights, equality of people and protection of childs must have roots in every society. If these criteria are complied the people have a basic of living together. Other things like art, music. preparation of food, traditions or religion can stay the same, because we don’t need them to live together.
Finally I want to say it is our turn, our world. We must live together. It is a littel bit like the Song “Break like the wind” from Spinal Tap: “we are the end of the endless song”

Globalisation (500 W): Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:20 Mo 07.04.2008
Autor: matux

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