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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturlesen
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Korrekturlesen: Deepwater Horizon
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:02 So 24.01.2021
Autor: jasmin89

Hi, kann mir jemand meinen Text bzw. Kommentar zu dem Theme Deepwater Horizon Korrekturlesen. Wäre froh um eine Hilfe.

On the twentieth of April 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon started the largest offshore marine oil split in U.S history. And this podcast is telling about the role of science and examines the sate of ecological recovery 5 years later. The explosion killed eleven workers, sent oil and natural gas flowing into the Gulf for 87 days, and proved to be one of the most challenging technical emergencies industry and government response teams have faced.
McNutt was director of the USGS and she had to make decisions very rapidly and she fell back on what She knew best and that was science. It was a blowout of unknown magnitude happening a mile deep in the ocean. This was an environmental disaster of mammoth proportion and consequences.
Scientists continue to study environmental impacts, but five years after the spill, the long-term negative effects remain unclear and are, in many cases, highly disputed. BP, the company that caused the spill, is eager to point out it appears the Gulf of Mexico is healing itself. But this is not true. The ecosystems and communities affected by the Deepwater Horizon disaster are far from healed. They are sick and they are struggling. Gulf Coast communities still haven’t received the billions of dollars they were promised.

Most long-term scientific studies on environmental disasters take longer than the five years that have passed. Studies so far have shown a variety of negative impacts on wildlife immediately after the spill.

At least I wanna say that while the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster is the largest in American history, it certainly isn’t the only source of oil causing damage to our ocean and coastlines today. Oil leaks and spills from offshore drilling and transport equipment all the time, and oil disasters occur far more frequently than reported. For that reason, I think all of us has do make the decision how much is our world worth? I think the discussion is not over and will be continued.

Korrekturlesen: Liest sich gut
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:04 Mo 25.01.2021
Autor: Infinit

Hallo jasmin89,
das liest sich gut für meinen Geschmack. Ich würde nichts daran ändern wollen.
Viele Grüße,

Korrekturlesen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:39 Mo 25.01.2021
Autor: chrisno

Aus dem Bauch, ein paar Anmerkungen

> Hi, kann mir jemand meinen Text bzw. Kommentar zu dem Theme
> Deepwater Horizon Korrekturlesen. Wäre froh um eine
> Hilfe.
>  On the twentieth of April 2010, an explosion on the
> Deepwater Horizon

on ...oil rig oder ohne on

> started the largest offshore marine oil
> split

spli? spill

>in U.S history. And
Warum and

> this podcast is telling

Verlaufsform hier richtig?

> about the
> role of science and examines the sate


> of ecological
> recovery 5 years later. The explosion killed eleven
> workers, sent oil and natural gas flowing into the Gulf for
> 87 days, and proved to be one of the most challenging
> technical emergencies industry and government response
> teams have faced.
>  McNutt was director of the USGS and she had to make
> decisions very rapidly and she fell back on what She


> knew
> best and that was science. It was a blowout of unknown
> magnitude happening a mile deep in the ocean. This was an
> environmental disaster of mammoth proportion and
> consequences.
>  Scientists continue to study environmental impacts, but
> five years after the spill, the long-term negative effects
> remain unclear and are, in many cases, highly disputed. BP,
> the company that caused the spill, is eager to point out it
> appears the Gulf of Mexico is healing itself. But this is
> not true. The ecosystems and communities affected by the
> Deepwater Horizon disaster are far from healed. They are
> sick and they are struggling. Gulf Coast communities still
> haven’t

Wenn es das transscript eine Podcasts ist, ok, sonst have not

> received the billions of dollars they were
> promised.
> Most long-term scientific studies on environmental
> disasters take longer than the five years that have passed.
> Studies so far have shown a variety of negative impacts on
> wildlife immediately after the spill.
> At least I wanna

want to

> say that while the Deepwater Horizon oil
> disaster is the largest in American history, it certainly
> isn’t the only source of oil causing damage to our ocean
> and coastlines today. Oil leaks and spills

Unterscheidung zwischen leak und spill hier wesentlich?

> from offshore
> drilling and transport equipment all the time, and oil
> disasters occur far more frequently than reported. For that
> reason, I think all of us has


> do make the decision how much
> is our world worth?

Das finde ich etwas unverständlich. Was ist damit gemeint?

> I think the discussion is not over and
> will be continued.

Wenn die Diskussion fortgesetzt wird, ist sie nicht vorbei.


Korrekturlesen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:56 Mo 25.01.2021
Autor: jasmin89

Danke für die Info. Ja beim Letzten Satz wollte ich so was sagen wie: Die Diskussion ist nicht vorbei und wird in Zukunft fortgesetzt werden.

Aber ich habe schon viele Tipps bekommen

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