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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Textzusammenfassung
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Textzusammenfassung: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:37 Di 04.03.2008
Autor: doopey

ich habe einen Zeitungsartikel, allerdings große Probleme den zusammenzufassen. Ich hoffe mal hier auf Hilfe (:

Der Zeitungsartikel:

German doctors ´can end NHS waiting lists.

A radical plan to use German doctors to eliminate the huge NHS waiting list for day-case surgery before the next election will be presented to Tony Blair this week by the former Labour minister, Frank Field.

He will tell the prime minister that hundreds of freelance German medical teams - including consultant surgeons, anaesthetists and theatre nurses - can be made available at short notice to treat more than 500000 patients waiting for quick operations that do not require an overnight hospital stay.

The patients would not have to travel abroad. Mr Field, Labour MP for Birkenhead, will present a business strategy from German Medicine net, a healthcare company based in Schleswig-Holstein, which is offering to set up prefabricated surgery units across England to treat all these patients at an approximate cost to the NHS of L75m...

The German company will present costings showing how the NHS outpatient waiting list could be eliminated using foreign doctors on temporary assignment in Britain.

Its managing director, Hans Finck, said the latest figures showed that more 1.8m people were waiting for a first outpatient appointment in England, including nearly 400000 who had been waiting for more than 13 weeks. All this work could be handled bye 261 German consultants working flat out for a year at an approximate cost of L155m, he said.

Last month Mr Finck took the first step towards implementing the plan when his company was named by NHs managers as the supplier of German medical teams to staff one of the new fast-track treatment centres being set up bye Alan Milburn, the health secretary.

The German teams will operate at the Royal hospital in Haslar, Portsmouthm where a military factility is being converted into a partnership with the NHS, providing conveyor belt operations such as hip and knee replacements.

Ministers were already committet to experiments in sending patients abroad, using spare capacity at hospitals in France and Germany.

Now Mr Milburn is urging his officials to think about moving foreign doctors to Britain, instead of asking patients to go abroad...

Ende ;)

So ich habe mir schonmal einen anfang zusammengestellt, habe auch den rest zusammengefasst, allerdings ist es viel zu lang. deswegen bitte ich um hilfe:

The newspaper article "german doctors´can end NHS waiting lists" published in the Guardian on the 4.3.02 is about...

Textzusammenfassung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:31 Mi 05.03.2008
Autor: Markus110

Hi Doopey!

Beim Filtern des Textes einfach so gut es geht die Fragen Wer, Was, Wann, Wo, Wie, Warum klären und komprimert wiedergeben (Kernaussage)- also den Artikel zur Nachricht umwandeln. Dann von wichtig nach unwichtig sortieren. Beispiele können sofort gestrichen werden! Personen nur erwähnen, wenn sie wirklich wichtig sind um den Sinnzusammenhang herzustellen. Ich hoffe, dass hilft Dir weiter.

LG Markus

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