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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - korrektur erwünscht
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korrektur erwünscht: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:51 So 25.03.2007
Autor: monchichi

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.


The most exceptional animals in Australia are the kangaroos. They are a emblem and every tourist want to see one of it. This is not a problem. Because on the island live about 20 million kangaroos. You recognise them by their big ears, their short forelegs, their large powerful hind legs and of course by their bag, which is important for the young animal. The little kangaroo has neither hairs nor can it see or hear anything. That is why the newborne rest after a for 33 days gestation period in the bag till it is nine months old. In the bag are mammary glands. Without the mother it can not survive.
Big kangaroos can jump till 12 m and get a tempo of 70 km in a hour.
They are plant eater and subsist on grasses and leaves.
In Australia the hunt of kangaroos is a very popular sport and every year hundreds of kangaroos gonna killed because of their soft fleecy skin and their flesh.

The Aborigines

The Aborigines, the australian indigenous people, belongs to the oldest nations of the world. They are a fascinating culture, which is only develop for 200 years. Before the first europeans come in the 18th century live here nothing but the indigenous people. They make sure not to destroy the nature and take only that from the earth what they really want to survive. 200 years ago the Aborigines were effectively pulled from the Stone Age into the modern age. Therefore the culture is unfortunately faced with the ruin. The tourists see frequently the negative side from the dilemma. You see only these indigenous people who can not manage the civilised life, are homeless and live on the street in the city.


Koalas are found all along in the woods of Australians east cost and the before lying isles (bevor liegenden Inseln). In the meantime there are 80,000 free-living koala bears. Such a koala have a weight from 4 kilos through to 15 kilos. They live in groups and colonies. They have a big head with a big black nose. Their ears are very hairy. Because of the grey, soft and thick skin they (wirken) squat. Due the fact that koala bears have not a tail their long claws are especially important. Koalas eat till to one kilo eucalyptus per day. They have not drink additional water because eucalyptus contains a lot of it. However, they prefer to sleep. They spend daily about 16 hours with it. Koala bears belongs to the marsupials. Only the female have a bag. To drink the mother’s milk the young animal goes back into the bag from their mother. If is the little koala to big for the bag it eat on the mothers belly. The koala was hunted in the 20th century for its fur.

korrektur erwünscht: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:51 So 25.03.2007
Autor: Analytiker

Hi monchichi,

ich finde zu deiner Frage/Bitte gehört irgendwie noch so ein bissl das "Bitte"...! Schau dir mal die Forenregeln an, was die so über den "freundlichen Umgangston" meinen...*smile*.

Liebe Grüße

korrektur erwünscht: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:00 So 25.03.2007
Autor: monchichi

Oh entschuldigung. Ich wollte auch eine längere Frage schreiben aber dafür war nicht genug Platz dann habe ich es nur ganz kurz formuliert und dabei das wichtigste Wort vergessen und auch noch bei einem so umfassenden Text. Also nochmal: Ich würde mich freuen wenn bitte jemand einen Blick über meinen Text werfen könnte. Danke :)

korrektur erwünscht: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 06:39 Mo 26.03.2007
Autor: Fremdgaenger

Hi, monchichi,

was mir beim Durchgehen so aufgefallen ist:
a emblem - vor Vokalen wird "a" zu "an"
not a problem - no problem
Because... - dem Satz fehlt der Hauptsatz, auch im Englischen. Besser mit Komma anschliessen?
newborne - woher kommt das "e" am Ende? Ich kenne das Wort als "newborn"
rest after a for 33 days gestation period in the bag till... - Den Satz versteh ich nicht... Wie gehoeren die Zeitangaben zusammen?
They are a fascinating culture, which is only develop for 200 years. - Ich dachte sie haben (allerdings "have", nicht "are") eine alte Kultur - woher kommen jetzt die 200 Jahre?
"Before the first europeans come in the 18th century live here nothing but the indigenous people." - der Nebensatz gehoert in die Vergangenheitsform, und "live here nothing" wuerde Kaenguruhs mit einschliessen; also entweder "nobody" oder "no other but the indigenous people lived there". ("Here" stimmt strenggenommen nur, wenn Du derzeit in Australien bist.)
see frequently - often see, oder sogar: often mention
the before lying isles - the offshore isles
In the meantime - zwischen wann und wann? Meinst du "derzeit", also presently oder nowadays?
from 4 kilos through to 15 kilos - das through ist nicht noetig, from...to... genuegt.
they (wirken) squat - they seem to squat
Due the fact - braucht ein "to" hinter dem due
not a tail - no tail
eat till to one kilo- ersetze till durch up
They have not drink additional water - They don't need to drink water
However - da wuerde ich "instead" nehmen... das verschiebt den Sinn aber ein wenig.
daily about 16 hours - about 16 hours a day (oder: each day)
into the bag from their mother - wuerde heissen: aus Richtung der Mutter in den Beutel. Ich schaetze, es geht um: "into their mother's bag"?
If is the little koala to big for the bag it eat on the mothers belly. - Da stimmt zumindest die Wortstellung nicht...

Hoffe, das hilft ein wenig... :-)

korrektur erwünscht: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:05 Mo 26.03.2007
Autor: monchichi

Danke ich habe meine Fehler korrigiert. Die korriegierten Texte habe ich mit eingefügt,falls ich eventuell noch Fehler gemacht habe.
Du warst mir eine große Hilfe aber ein Problem habe ich noch:
Aborigines, das sind die australischen Ureinwohner - eine faszinierende Kultur, die erst vor gut zweihundert Jahren quasi von der Steinzeit in die Moderne gerissen wurde, und daher leider dem Untergang geweiht zu sein scheint... Diesen Text habe ich als Vorlage genommen. Ich will ja sagen das sie eine faszinierende Kultur sind und nicht, dass sie eine haben.


The most exceptional animals in Australia are the kangaroos. They are an emblem and every tourist want to see one of it. This is no problem, because on the island live about 20 million kangaroos. You recognise them by their big ears, their short forelegs, their large powerful hind legs and of course by their bag, which is important for the young animal. The little kangaroo has neither hairs nor can it see or hear anything. So the newborn rest in the mother’s bag till it is nine months old. In the bag are mammary glands. Without the mother it can not survive.
Big kangaroos can jump till 12 m and get a tempo of 70 km in a hour.
They are plant eater and subsist on grasses and leaves.
In Australia the hunt of kangaroos is a very popular sport and every year hundreds of kangaroos gonna killed because of their soft fleecy skin and their flesh.

The Aborigines

The Aborigines, the australian indigenous people, belongs to the oldest nations of the world. They are a fascinating culture, which is only develop for 200 years. Before the first europeans come in the 18th century no other but the indigenous people lived there. They make sure not to destroy the nature and take only that from the earth what they really want to survive. 200 years ago the Aborigines were effectively pulled from the Stone Age into the modern age. Therefore the culture is unfortunately faced with the ruin. The tourists often mention the negative side from the dilemma. You see only these indigenous people who can not manage the civilised life, are homeless and live on the street in the city.


Koalas are found all along in the woods of Australians east cost and the offshore isles. Presently there are 80,000 free-living koala bears. Such a koala have a weight from 4 kilos to 15 kilos. They live in groups and colonies. They have a big head with a big black nose. Their ears are very hairy. Because of the grey, soft and thick skin they seem to squat. Due to the fact that koala bears have no tail their long claws are especially important. Koalas eat up to one kilo eucalyptus per day. They don't need to drink water, because eucalyptus contains a lot of it. However, they prefer to sleep. They spend about 16 hours each day with it. Koala bears belongs to the marsupials. Only the female have a bag. To drink the mother’s milk the young animal goes back into their mother’s bag. The koala was hunted in the 20th century for its fur.

korrektur erwünscht: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:39 Mo 26.03.2007
Autor: Fremdgaenger

Hi, monchichi,

in dem Punkt "have/be a culture" muss ich wohl einen Rückzug machen :-o ... Ich habe nochmal etwas recherchiert, und offenbar ist es doch auch im Englischen möglich, "eine Kultur zu sein". Du kannst es also so stehen lassen.
Und ich bitte um Entschuldigung, Verwirrung gestiftet zu haben :-) ...

Zwei Sachen solltest Du noch korrigieren, fällt mir gerade auf:
"Such a koala have" - Koala ist hier im Singular.
Dafür sind in "The Aborigines, the australian indigenous people, belongs ..." die Betroffenen viele.

Freut mich, wenn ich helfen konnte :-) !
Grüße vom Fremdgänger

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